Credit card monetization is a common method of raising cash when many people urgently need cash today. Anyone with a credit card under his or her name can purchase a gift certificate, sell it, and get cash. Recently, it has been changed to obtain cash by selling gift certificates to specialized gift certificate purchasers after payment online.
What is the difference between small mobile phone payments in the process of cashing out credit cards?
Cash in small payments on mobile phones
Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives, and various ways to get cash from cell phones have emerged.
휴대폰 소액결제 (Small mobile phone payments) are made by mobile phones, but credit card monetization has the advantage that anyone can easily use it as long as they have a credit card in their name.
3 Safety Tips When Cashing Credit Cards
1. Reputable company selection: When using credit card monetization or mobile phone micro-payment monetization, it is recommended to use a reputable site. Read reviews, ratings and certificates for credibility.
2. Monitor your statement: Make sure to check your statement after you cash in on your credit card. The amount I was going to pay is 1 million won, but you have to be careful because a fraudulent company may suddenly pay 2 million won and make an unfair profit.
3. Limit limit: Please proceed with cashing as much as you need. If you pay too much, you may not be able to pay properly on the repayment date and become a credit delinquent, so be careful.
The most important thing to do when you cash in on your credit card is to choose a safe company. Make sure you are an officially registered business operator before proceeding with the payment. Also, if you use excessive payments, it may be burdensome to pay on the repayment date in the future, so it is important to pay only the amount you can afford as much as you need.